Abstract: The Problems of Zakat Fundraising: A Case Study of BAZNAS in North Sumatra. Alms’ (zakat) fundraising in Indonesia has had comprehensive regulations. However, the collection amount of Alms and charity expenditure (infaq) by BAZNAS in North Sumatera in 2015 still low, it is only Rp 14.55 billion of Alms and Rp 4.82 billion of charity expenditure. This study aimed to analyze the problems faced by the alms collector (Amil) and to find the solutions. This study was descriptive research that took a purposive sample in some of BAZNAS’s Branches in North Sumatera which have big amount of alms collection. The data were obtained using a questionnaire and interview techniques. The analytical method used to perform crystallization of some main issues, so that the most fundamental problem was found. The results showed that the laws and regulations of alms is not implemented effectively, the governments less on given attention to the management of alms and have not professionals human resources.
Kata Kunci: zakat, fundraising, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional, Lembaga Amil Zakat
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