Abstrak: Sejak Indonesia merdeka hingga masa Reformasi, Aceh senantiasa mengalami pasang surut. Sepanjang sejarah tersebut, konflik, baik secara vertikal masyarakat dengan Pemerintah RI, maupun secara horizontal sesama masyarakatnya, selalu saja terjadi. Terjadinya bencana tsunami 2004 menambah penderitaan rakyat Aceh, namun sekaligus memberi hikmah tentang pentingnya membangun Aceh kembali dalam bingkai wawasan keislaman dan keindonesiaan. Pasca tsunami, pembangunan kembali Aceh menjadi topik yang banyak dibicarakan. Dalam konteks itu, penulis memaparkan strategi rekonstruksi Aceh yang bertumpu pada pertama, membuat buku panduan pengamalan Syariat Islam untuk mayarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kedua, membuat perencanaan pembangunan dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan Islam. Ketiga, mewujudkan pemerintahan yang bersih dan berwibawa.
Abstract: Islamic Development Strategy in Post-Tsunami Aceh towards Establishing Religious Society. Since Indonesian independence to the reformation era the development in Aceh has undergone changable rise and fall. In such history long-lasting conflict, be it vertically between the people and the government of the Republic of Indonesia or horizontally amongst the society had repeatedly happened. The tsunami of 2004 put the burden of Acehnese people even heavier, but at the same time it throw light into the importance of reconstructing Aceh in the framework of Islamic and Indonesian ways of life. In the post tsunami, the reconstruction of Aceh has become the most discussed topic. In this context, this essay extensively discusses the strategy of reconstruction in Aceh which mainly focus on: First, writing the blueprint of the Islamic teaching experience that should become as a guideline for peoples’ daily lives. Second, planning development program based on the Islamic development principles. Third, establishing an accountable and good governance.
Kata Kunci: pembangunan Islam, Aceh, masyarakat religius
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