BAYT AL-HIKMAH: Institusi Awal Pengembangan Tradisi Ilmiah Islam

Mohammad Al Farabi


Abstrak: Dalam catatan sejarah, Bayt al-Hikmah merupakan institusi awal dalam pengembangan tradisi ilmiah Islam. Aktivitas yang diperankan Bayt al-Hikmah telah memotivasi umat Islam untuk memperdalam berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan, baik yang berasal dari ajaran Islam maupun di luar Islam yang dapat mencerdaskan masyarakat Muslim saat itu dari keterbelakangan peradaban. Tulisan ini mengeks- plorasi alasan pendirian Bayt al-Hikmah, profil dan aktivitas institusi, para patron dan ilmuwan yang terlibat di dalamnya, dan pengaruhnya dalam pengembangan pendidikan Islam. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pendirian Bayt al-Hikmah merupakan upaya pemerintah Bani Abbas untuk menghidupkan dan menerjemahkan karya- karya asing, terutama Yunani. Kesadaran ini mendorong bangkitnya ilmuwan-ilmuwan Muslim Abad Pertengahan yang memiliki pengaruh besar bagi perkembangan per- adaban Barat.

Abstract: Bayt al-Hikmah: A Pioneering Institution in the Development of Islamic Scientific Tradition. Historically, Bayt al-Hikmah is recorded as a pioneering institution in the development of Islamic scientific tradition. The role played by Bayt al-Hikmah had motivated the Muslim society to make a thorough study on various disciplines of science both from Islamic and the other origins that brought the Muslims to the fore against the backwardness of civilization of that time. This essay explores the reason of the founding of Bayt al-Hikmah, its profile, the scientist and learned persons engaged therein, as well as the influence in the development of Islamic education. The author concludes that the establishment of Bayt al-Hikmah is an effort by the Bani Abbasid rule to translate foreign works especially from the Greek. Such consciousness threw light in the emergence Muslim scientists of the Middle age which had a significant influence on the development of Western civilization.

Kata Kunci: sejarah Islam, Bayt al-Hikmah, tradisi ilmiah, peradaban

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