Ilhamuddin Ilhamuddin


Abstrak: Ilmuwan-ilmuwan modern telah berusaha mengkaji hakikat alam dengan beragam pendekatan. Teori-teori mereka tentang penciptaan alam didasari dan dipengaruhi oleh paradigma keilmuan masing-masing, dan terkadang perbedaan pendekatan telah memunculkan beragam penafsiran tentang eksistensi. Sebagian ahli memiliki kecenderungan membenturkan beraneka teori tentang penciptaan alam, dan menilai bahwa semua teori tersebut memiliki beragam kontradiksi. Lewat artikel ini, penulis melakukan reinterpretasi terhadap hakikat teori para ahli tentang penciptaan alam dan menemukan sinergitas antara teori-teori mereka. Penulis menegaskan bahwa tidak ada kontradiksi antara teori saintis, teolog, filsuf dan mufasir tentang penciptaan alam. Dengan demikian, teori teologi, filsafat dan sains dapat mengokohkan doktrin agama tentang alam semesta. Lebih penting lagi, artikel ini mengokohkan pendapat bahwa tidak ada pertentangan antara temuan akal dan informasi wahyu. 
Abstract: Reinterpretation and Synergetic Theory of the Creation of the Universe. Modern scholars have made all due efforts to study the essence of the universe through a variety of approaches. Their theory on the creation of the universe is based on respective science paradigm, and at times different approach has led into distinct interpretation on the existence. Many an expert tents to conflict various theories of the creation of the universe, and conclude that those theories contradict one another. Through this article, the author reinterprets the focal point of such theories on the creation of the universe, and finds the synergy amongst those theories. In addition, he asserts that there is no contradiction between theories found within the boundaries of scientist, theologian, philosophers and the exegetes on the creation of the universe, and therefore, every single theory may support the truth of religious doctrine on the cosmos. What’s more, this article affirms the view that there is no contradiction between the findings of the intellect and the Divine information.     
Kata Kunci: teori penciptaan alam, pemikiran Islam, teologi, filsafat, sains, tafsir

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Al-Qur’an al-Karim

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