HAM ISLAM DAN DUHAM PBB: Sebuah Ikhtiar Mencari Titik Temu
Abstract: Islamic Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Declaration: in Search of Compromise. Although generally in common with the United Nations Human Rights Declaration (DUHAM), the concept of Human Rights in the Cairo Declaration has different specifications. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights comes from the Western paradigm, while the Cairo Declaration is based on the Shari'a. Viewed from the perspective of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are some specific issues in the human rights of the World Islamic version that are considered to violate human rights. The concept of freedom of religion differs between the two. It is also true in the context of death penalty, stoning, and others. Thus does the human rights of the Islamic version be contrasted with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Instead of contrasting these two aspects, this paper tries to reconcile them by finding an alternative answer. By re-enacting some Islamic concepts, this paper finds an opportunity for Cairo Declaration with the Universal Declaration to go hand in hand in harmony.
Kata Kunci: hak asasi manusia, PBB, deklarasi Kairo, syariat Islam
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/miqot.v41i2.394
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