Abstrak: Sebenarnya cukup banyak artikel dan studi tentang pesantren yang telah dipublikasikan secara meluas. Hampir semua dari literatur tersebut adalah men-diskusikan tentang pesantren dari perspektif Islam (keagamaan) semata. Artikel ini mencoba menawarkan suatu perspektif baru dalam bidang pesantren, yaitu sebagai suatu entitas bisnis. Artikel berbasis riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prestasi kerja suatu pesantren yang dipengaruhi oleh (kegiatan) mendeisain kurikulum pada tingkat kapasitas inovasi yang berbeda-beda. Data akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode stastikal deskriptif dan inferensial melalui frekuensi, regresi berganda, dan regresi bertingkat. Pada akhirnya, hipotesa dan kesimpulan akan diajukan. Artikel ini menunjukkan pengaruh dari aktivitas merancang kurikulum yang modern dan islami dari suatu pesantren dengan prestasi kerja yang diharapkan akan berbeda-beda sesuai dengan tingkat kapasitas inovasi yang ada di dalam pesantren tersebut.
Abstract: Desain Kurikulum, Kemampuan Inovasi dan Performa: Studi Pesantren di Sumatera Utara. There have been many articles and studies on Pesantren that have been published. Unfortunately, Almost all of them discuss about the Pesantren from the perspective of Islam exclusively. This paper tries to offer a new perspective in looking at the Pesantren: as an entity of business. This is a research paper which aims to know how Pesantrens’ performances are influenced by designing curriculum at different levels of capacity of innovation. The data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, namely frequency, multiple regressions and hierarchical regression. This paper analyzes the influence of designing the curriculum on performances of the Pesantren and the important effects of capacity of innovation on them. This paper reveals that the influence of designing modern Islamic currciculum to the Pesantren’s performances is expected to be varied according to the levels of capacity of innovation at the Pesantren.
Keywords: pesantren, social entrepreneurship, curriculum, performance, innovation
Abstract: Desain Kurikulum, Kemampuan Inovasi dan Performa: Studi Pesantren di Sumatera Utara. There have been many articles and studies on Pesantren that have been published. Unfortunately, Almost all of them discuss about the Pesantren from the perspective of Islam exclusively. This paper tries to offer a new perspective in looking at the Pesantren: as an entity of business. This is a research paper which aims to know how Pesantrens’ performances are influenced by designing curriculum at different levels of capacity of innovation. The data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, namely frequency, multiple regressions and hierarchical regression. This paper analyzes the influence of designing the curriculum on performances of the Pesantren and the important effects of capacity of innovation on them. This paper reveals that the influence of designing modern Islamic currciculum to the Pesantren’s performances is expected to be varied according to the levels of capacity of innovation at the Pesantren.
Keywords: pesantren, social entrepreneurship, curriculum, performance, innovation
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