HERMENEUTIKA FAZLUR RAHMAN: Upaya Membangun Harmoni Teologi, Etika, dan Hukum

Syamruddin Syamruddin


Abstrak: Tulisan ini mencoba mendiskusikan teori hermeneutika yang ditawarkan oleh Fazlur Rahman mencakup kritik Rahman terhadap teori sebelumnya, baik tradisional maupun kontemporer. Penulis menemukan bahwa Rahman menekankan pentingnya memahami al-Qur’an sebagai keseluruhan dan menjadi satu kesatuan yang utuh. Rahman juga membedakan antara hukum umum (prinsip) dan hukum temporal, dan menekankan pentingnya mempertimbangkan konteks untuk memahami al-Qur’an secara tepat. Penulis berargumen bahwa tujuan akhir teori Rahman adalah untuk membangun harmonisasi tiga aspek ajaran Islam dalam ranah hukum, etika dan hukum yang harus saling mendukung antara satu sama lain, yang didasarkan pada tiga prinsip dasar tatanan hubungan manusia yakni egalitarianisme, keadilan dan konsultasi mutual.

Abstract:Fazlur Rahman’s Hermeneutics: An effort to Build Harmony Between Theology, Ethics and Law.This paper attempts to discuss the hermeneutical theory proposed by Fazlur Rahman. It includes therefore the discussion of Rahman’s critique on the existing theories both traditional and contemporary ones. The author finds that Rahman emphasizes the importance of understanding al-Qur’anintegrally as a single whole. He also distinguishes between general laws and temporary laws as well as stresses the importance of considering context to understanding al-Qur’an correctly. The author argues that the ultimate purpose of the theory is to build a harmony among three aspects of Islamic teaching: law, ethics, and theology, each of which has to support one another. In addition, there are three principles on which laws on human relation have to be built, namely egalitarianism, justice, and mutual consultation.

Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’an, hermeneutika, Fazlur Rahman, penafsiran

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/miqot.v35i2.144


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