Lamya Nurul Fadhilah, Syamsuri Syamsuri


Abstract: One of the strategies in developing the halal value chain ecosystem is to create synergies that involve Pesantren's MSME units and make its involved parties in building human resources for the halal industry in Indonesia. This could be realized through the Pesantren economic empowerment by developing a supportive ecosystem. However, there are various kinds of obstacles that hinder its development. Such problems from marketing, management, capability, and finance, both in terms of quality and quantity, affect management and development. Therefore the researcher takes a position in this research by examining and analyzing problems, solutions, and appropriate strategies related to the Pesantren economic empowerment to drive halal value chains through the Analytic Network Process approach. This study found that the problem of pesantren economic empowerment is the lack of human resource skills. At the same time, the problem of the halal value chain is the low literacy of halal development instruments.

Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Pesantren, Halal Value Chain.

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