PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM IBN SAHNÛN: Analisis Kritis Kurikulum Pengajaran di Institusi Pendidikan Dasar Islam

Syahrizal Syahrizal, Rabiatul-Adawiah Ahmad Rashid


Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkapkan relevansi pemikiran Ibn Sahnûn mengenai kurikulum pengajaran pendidikan dasar Islam dengan praktik kurikulum pengajaran pada institusi-institusi pendidikan dasar Islam masa kini. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, analisis isi, dan analisis kritis, penulis berargumen bahwa kurikulum pengajaran pendidikan dasar Islam menurut Ibn Sahnûn masih relevan dengan praktik kurikulum pengajaran pendidikan dasar Islam masa kini. Hal tersebut setidaknya berdasarkan: 1) aspek prinsip penyusunannya, yaitu prinsip tawâzun (keseimbangan) antara materi-materi ukhrawi dengan duniâwi, intelektual dengan spiritual, materi- materi teoretis dengan praktis, dan prinsip relevansi, yaitu kesesuaian kurikulum pengajaran dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, dan 2) dari aspek dasar utama yang menjadi landasan penyusunan kurikulum pengajaran, yaitu dasar agama dan sosial.

Abstract: Ibn Sahnûn’s Islamic Educational Thought: Critical Analysis of Teaching Curriculum in the Institution of Islamic Elementary Education. This paper aims to reveal the relevance of Ibn Sahnûn thought on teaching curriculum of Islamic primary education to the practice of the current teaching curriculum in Islamic primary education institutions. Based on descriptive, content, and critical analysis to form a reflective thought, the results of present study showed that the teaching curriculum of Islamic elementary education of Ibn Sahnûn still relevant to the practice of it nowadays, especially from (1) the principles of it composition aspects, the principle of tawâzun (equilibrium) between the materials of the hereafter with worldly ones or (intellectual with the spiritual aspect), the theoretical material with practical, and the principle of relevance, the suitability of the teaching curriculum to the needs of the community, and (2) the primary basis on which the teaching curriculum is developed, which is the basis of religion and social issues.

Kata Kunci: Ibn Sahnûn, kurikulum pengajaran, pendidikan dasar Islam

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